(Social) media are overloaded with statistics, including a lot of misleading statistics. Loads of false claims are supported by statistics that are often true but are represented in a misleading way. Therefore, is important that everyone learns the skill of critical thinking that is required in this modern world that revolves around data.
This teaching package is developed for Dutch high school students in the 3rd or 4th year of havo or vwo. Teachers can use it to teach students about misleading statistics and in that way stimulate them to have a more critical attitude towards statistics that they encounter online.
The package was developed under my supervision by five students from the master specialisation Science Communication & Society at Leiden University (see below).
The teaching package can be downloaded for free via KlasCement. I received the YAL Outreach Grant to promote the package among high school teachers.
- Soraya Schachtschabel
- Manon Boot
- Annelies Smit
- Neele Dijkstra
- Jesse Welzenes